Testimonials & Media


Testimonials From aloha Attendees

After attending the Kauai Yoga festival for three days, I realized that the purpose of this festival had been fulfilled - to bring greater peace to ourselves, one another and the planet. In my experience, there is nothing more magical than like-minded individuals and community coming together to create change. During the last performance of the festival (ecstatic dance), I became like a child again as I danced upon the earth with other love-filled beings. What a healing experience! From the food, to the yoga and meditation classes, to the musical performances, vendors and people, this event was deeply healing! I can’t wait for next year! Mahalo - Chloe

I was delighted to attend and participate in the 2018 kauai peace and yoga festival.  The main thing I was attracted to was the intention of the festival.  I have been to a variety of festivals, and the key element that I am interested in is: Purpose.  The Kauai Peace and Yoga festival seems to be a purpose driven festival, with the intention to create health by creating a fun and educational event for people to be inspired at.  This is different from some events and other festivals where people attend to just forget about their life.  Here, the intention is to get tools and inspiration from which to make ones life better, while simultaneously having a collective impact while we are together.  I am excited to see how this festival evolves.  Overall, with the friendly staff and professional conduct of the organizers, I had a wonderful time attending and sharing my gifts at the event. - Julian Life

Where to begin?  For a month or so before the Aloha Peace Festival I knew I needed to go.  As a Kauai resident of 10 years I hadn’t fully immersed myself into the culture that this festival provided.  Having gone to live music events and worked with alternative practitioners I was some what familiar with what Kauai held in her embrace but the Festival fully introduced me.

Everything synced up leading to Aloha Festival.  I met some new friends a few weeks before that quite quickly felt like family that I helped with at the event.  

Once opening day at the Festival arrived I hardly touched my phone for the next 4 days.  I did yoga, ate fresh food, listened to amazing speakers and uplifting music, danced, laughed, cried in releasing waves inexpressible by words, cleansed off in the ocean and quite profoundly sat in a prayer circle twice daily to collectively pray for local and global peace.  I truly felt such a deep peace when the Festival was over and yet such a buzz of newness and excitement for what’s to come.

I have never felt so clear, open and confident about the power we have collectively when undiscriminated by race, gender, or religion to make leaps and bonds of goodness in the future.  I saw a possibility most people have no idea exists.  

Mahalo nui loa with all my love for providing Kauai with such a gift.  I very much look forward to next year’s Aloha Peace Festival.  I never thought Lydgate Beach Park would be so hard to leave!

Sincerest Aloha,

Kristin Brown

I had the humble pleasure to witness a Fire Ceremony Prayerformance and was captivated by every moment. Asheeliyah and the group channeled a sacred Earth magic that moved through their feet, hips, and fingertips. I have experienced different fire performances from India to Burning Man and this was one of the most special I have seen. The performers moved with prayerful intention and warming radiance. They flowed with the mana of the Earth. I look forward to the next time I get to experience their art. -Grant LaCorte


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