Garland Hume

Garland Hume

I began my yoga journey in January of 2007 and completed a 9-week Yoga Teacher Training in Waikiki in the fall of 2007. After teacher training, I fully immersed myself in teaching and practice and have been dedicated ever since.

In 2010 I became the co-owner of two Hot Yoga studios in Richmond, VA, and was fully committed to that community of people until I moved to Kauai in 2017 and opened Kauai Hot Yoga. We just celebrated our sixth anniversary at Kauai Hot Yoga in Lihue!

I also participated in Yoga Sport from 2009-2020 and was the Board President of USA Yoga, the national sporting organization for yoga, from 2017-2020. I am forever grateful for my training and experiences with USA Yoga, as they deepened my understanding of Yoga asana. 

Living on Kauai has helped me to grow in my teaching.  I have expanded my teaching to Pilates, Yin,  Sound Bath, and Restorative, and I continue to grow as a teacher every day. I curate my classes how I would want to take class if I were a student.  I want students to leave feeling like they just had one of the best yoga experiences. 

More than ever I see the value of yoga and meditation.  In a world where many people can feel lost or disconnected from themselves, yoga can help you to reconnect you to your life. 

I look forward to teaching class this year at the Aloha Yoga and Peace Festival and I am always so grateful to be invited back to teach!





Anya Love