Anya Love

Anya Love

Anya relishes the balance that yoga brings to the mind, body and spirit, and delights in helping children and adult beginners discover yoga. With over 10 years of teaching experience, she guides her students to listen to and move with their body's natural instincts. Anya was inspired to teach after the birth of her daughter, when Yin Yoga helped her heal from a hip injury and successfully manage pain. A classically trained ballet dancer from Russia, she knows yoga is more than movement, and invites you to the mental & spiritual journey inherent in mindful movement, including feeling connected to your heart and the island of Kauai.
Anya founded her dream company in 2009.

Anya has been envisioning and organizing this magical / Kauai Yoga Festival & Global Peace Meditation Summit for many years. She channelled visions of peace on earth, where people can live in a kind and sustainable environment, where kids can achieve a bright future! This Aloha Festival is an answer to a peace prayer. While meditating at one of the most sacred places on Kauai Anya received an answer. This answer was very simple: have as many light-workers meditate on peace synchronistically at the same time around the world and it will change the subconsciousness of our humankind to a more peaceful vibration
Creating a coherent vibration of peace and balance in the world. Aloha Kauai Yoga and Peace festival is that prayer in motion to bridging people's hearts together to become one! The most ancient of the Hawaiian islands, Kauai acts like an amplifier, as a magical spiritually charged portal to other dimensions. Everyone involved in this Festival has heard that call of Kauai and peace in their hearts! We are building this incredible peaceful version of the human connection through divine grace and in perfect ways!


Garland Hume


Jodi Matsumoto